We often host on our own iRacing server for training and student races. The following is a brief overview of how to join hosted servers on iRacing's class and Beta/New Interface.
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Joining Via the Classic Interface
Create a step-by-step guide
- Joining View the Class Interface
- Joining View the Beta/New Interface
Step 1: Go to Join a Race

Step 2: Organize the Sessions by Session Name

Step 4: You will be brought to the Session Screen. When the Session has Loaded, Select Join.

Joining via the iRacing Beta/New Interface
Step 1: Open up the Beta Interface and Select "Go Racing"

Step 2: Select "Hosted Races"

Step 3: Search for Driver61 and double click the server to open it.

Step 4: Click the "Locked" icon to Join the Server

Step 5: Enter the Password "d61class" or what was provided to you.

Step 6: Click "Join"