Our instructors rely on GoLive to view your screen while you are racing. It allows us to see not only your view of the game but, as importantly your inputs in games like iRacing.

Note while this example is for the iRacing Simulator, the general process works for any game and simulation.

Using GoLive 

Step 1: Join the Driver61 Discord channel that you are training on (General, an Instructor channel, etc.)

Step 2: Above your name, use Click for GoLive

Step 3: Select your Game or Sim

Note that is is very important in iRacing to select the "iRacing Simulator" rather than the iRacing web page or, if you are using it, Beta Interface.

Step 3a: Troubleshooting Step

  • Sometimes, when you GoLive for your game or sim, the screen you share will be blank. A simple solution that often works in this case is to simply share your entire screen; instead of just the simulator.

What to do if that doesn't work

If these steps do not work, we recommend you reference the following article.